Thursday, January 24, 2013

I knew you were trouble

Oh yes, am so hooked to the Taylor Swift song -I love it completely!
The pain and frustration in her voice manifested an absolutely wonderful song -

whoever broke her heart- we knew you were trouble !

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Beauty and Brains

Didn't know such a pretty woman had a major role in the invention of wireless!

The lullaby

I love this lullaby in life of Pi -

The feeling of nostalgia that it brings forth is amazing,the song immediately took me back to the days in kerala  and the cozy bed with mum and the little lullaby that she used to sing.
Though this lullaby is in tamil,it does have a large resemblance with malayalam and the same comfort too..

I have often wondered why lullaby's have a sad

The BGM of the movie somehow managed to impart the feel of a typical day in a southern Indian household in the 80-90's.. check this too-

For some reason, I went back and searched the Malgudi days title track-

Past is always beautiful :)


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Blog post and afterthoughts

My previous post on women leaders did get me some responses.Some of them did point that it was mostly to do with perceptions on how we think about people and they think about us and yada yada.
However one maintains being insular in the crowd, perceptions does spoil stuff once it becomes a practice! Anyways, am glad that most of them did agree with the thoughts.

Well then, the year began and so does the on-start of the varied ideas, I follow Richard Branson's blog and a recent post on "giving freedom to give employee same freedom as the boss" was thought provoking...well, if only things really worked that way..Sigh!

A colleague of mine interestingly remarked recently that its good to be a clerk from 9 to 5 and superman after 5 ( Yep, the Clark Kent philosophy)
9 to 5 would never be a "grind" if 2 things worked -
1.Love for what you do
2.A leadership with the genuine passion to improve and progress

If either of this doesn't work,breeding high performers would be almost impossible.Synergies are required.If not, the better ones in the organisation would think of good ideas to start something by themselves or leverage what is available and move out.
Mmm..So its a delicate balance,and no wonder why there are so many entrepreuners or wishing to be one..!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Happened to watch this TED talk by Sheryl Sandberg (COO,Facebook) and thought of sharing this :

The talk is on why we have only few women leaders and the simplistic lecture of hers did bring couple of very fair( from my pov) points :

1.Women do not tend to negotiate
2.Success and likability are negatively co-related with women.

Well, let me make it clear : I am no feminist, I believe that leaders should be well deserving of the position they hold irrespective of their gender.

Having said that, I tend to agree with the points Sheryl has brought out :

Women do not tend to negotiate :
Well, right from childhood..there is not much expectation laid on the girl, boys are expected to perform better. With girls, if they are motivated and tend to perform well..its more like she has exceeded the its pretty much like a bonus, and so the career progression is perceived more as "oh, she likes to do it,so let her do it"..The pay check is "oh! whatever" the society wasn't really expecting all of  this from her,and so the girl too tends to believe that and never really bothers much about the pay check.And once she starts thinking about starting a family,she stops talking at office, no more raising hands for good work...forget talking about promotion.
So if the lady is really inclined, the average age at which she can progress well in the career is 45,i e when both her kids could be on their own.By this time,the drive and the abilities to take challenges die down (this is debatable, of course) and its pretty much like " I have a job to pay my bills"
I have observed that there are 3 different types of men in the workforce :
1.Men who are appreciative of capable women colleagues
2.Men who are neutral about women
3.Men who are critical of capable women

The group 1 is what we would like to have and see, group 2 as good as they don't exist and group 3 does like women, but only the funny bunnies-not the one that makes sense.The minute you get argumentative with a certain work opinion..they will almost kill you with their hatred stemming from ego.
About group1,though its great to have such people around, it all takes a different turn,if the capable woman in question  is young..and then society misconstrues..spoils it all and group 1 stops any sort of encouragement.

So the end point of it all is, for a young woman- don't rely on anyone-stand up for yourself. A lesson I too have to start thinking about!

Success and likability are negatively co-related with women
Yep, I agree with this point..An opinionated man is smart,an opinionated woman is difficult- this exact perception leads to capable women who rise to success to be hated.
In a software company I was working immediately after uni, there was this lady- she was the team lead of a critical project and didn't look old at all for that sort of a role.I checked with my colleague about how the promotions worked out so well, the answer came quickly.."oh she..she is very manipulative..makes friends with the c-level,goes for all their parties and that is how she makes her way..and by the way..everyone around hates her"...ok then!!
I became friends with her at a later stage,and realized that she was nothing what my colleague had told.She was very bright,clear headed and a smart technical person.She did deserve every promotion she got,but if a woman climbs the ladder quick-society finds other reasons for her success..very weird.

Progress is not an easy affair for a young woman, and for every young woman who has made their way through their efforts and has done well irrespective of office politics and power play, they are worth every reward and more..

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Most unsafe place for women?

Wherever I get to see my Indian friends,the topic of conversation automatically switches to the Delhi incident-It has disturbed everyone very much.One question that frequently comes up is "Why is India so unsafe for women now?"...well I'd say when was it ever is not a recent development..It was always extremely unsafe.

Don't you remember-how we wondered why our parents were so overly protective..remember their anxious faces in case we were a few minutes late we grew up..there were strict timelines..and with mobile phone in the picture..remember how they were constantly checking our we used to groan and compain about it....But,now we do realize the sort of tension our parents have felt raising girls.But why the morbid fear?One would wonder...

Well,lets face it..India is a huge country with all sorts of people in its nearly infinite population.People with all sorts of upbringing..and if you look at it,financial differences are much pronounced...with a country which has the richest to the poorest in the world.In this sort of differences,you might spot a billionaire driving his brand new Merc in the same road where a beggar might be dying of hunger.Its a world of difference-I believe this variance is one of the major culprits,the country breeds men who may not have a home,was born in streets-not even know who the parents were..may have grown and earned daily bread by hook or crook,this is a population which doesn't know what ethics are,this may not even know what being "human" means,Adding to this might be horrid circumstances they have lived and they would be one of the brutal animals in human form.

On the other hand,the country is growing rapidly with massive western influences,and is trying to believe that women's freedom does exist,but how is that ever possible where the former crowd exists?Is a transformation possible?-  how does one identify the psyche of people,figuring out from their upbringing from the nearly googol population?

The fact remains that, it is an unsafe place-not just India..but any country with a humongous population and massive difference among its people..this lack of safety is bound to happen.

To deal with it, the only way is to give the scariest form of punishment..the horror of the punishment should be made known and then there would be intense fear to even think about anything like this.

We know the country too well...This issue will be forgotten in 2 months,and the country will get back to daily routine..and there would be another incident waiting to happen.
Hopefully the young and responsible India would ensure justice happens,and the best way possible is we participate and change the rules of the nation.

An ancient country,which is always known for its rich culture and traditions is shamed here,a country where the "goddess" was always the prime  and treated "the above" is now notoriously unsafe for women.

All what most of us can do is to spread the word, talk about it and the let the intensity of the fight not die....

Hope is the only hope...


13 begins..!

Welcome 2013.. I hope this year brings in the best of all us and that we make the 365 days happier and get better each day..
So what was I up to? Apart from all the new year fun, I happened to finish my painting 2.
Imperfections aplenty...but still glad that the painting was done in 1.5 is roughly around 2 hours..So that was a productive start of week 1..
Here is a glimpse of the painting,the picture is the Hindu lord Ganesha- the lord of beginnings-

Yep- you would have spotted a few problems by now- but good,bad or ugly - this is my dear lil painting...

Happy new year,