Wednesday, November 7, 2012


A lil Calvin a day!
Yep, its been a few months and nothing in the blog zone...well promises are to be kept..but who would want to write just for the heck of it.
And yes,this was also the process of finding out what better was going on in life.
Connecting with an ex-colleague would be the highlight, She and I lost touch sometime in the beginning of 2011 and the lazy me wasnt able to catch up with her inspite of her numerous invites.
So then,when I sensed the disappointment in her voice..I made sure we meet up...and was great getting back in touch.
We spent almost a whole day chatting away to glory,and at times brings in a realisation of how refreshing those catch up's are..!

Just as I am jotting this down,victory speech of Obama is going on in the background.Such an inspiration,and makes me believe that "the best is yet to come".