Sunday, December 30, 2012

As 12 comes to a close...

The unthinkable cruelty on a young lady in New Delhi disturbed us terribly.It was incredibly painful to digest that a fellow human was made to go through such degree of brutality.These are the sort of incidents that makes one wonder where the world is heading to.
This new year's eve,we hope and pray that incidents of this sort never happen to any being-

On a brighter note, I hope to keep continuing my idea of blogging,make it better-and of course live- one day at a time

Wish you a happy 2013..!


Friday, December 21, 2012

The plan is to have a chocolate-less 2013..but...

I am surrounded by chocolates of all sizes and shapes..and just as I run away from the temptation..the more they come in!
Ah...everything I love is fattening or more fattening...:) hopefully the plan for '13 works...

by the way,merry xmas my dear lil blog...


Monday, December 17, 2012

Gift of time!

"Give time and attention. This is the key. Attention is a valuable resource that, once given, leads to enriching experiences. Without the gift of attention, lasting, meaningful relationships are impossible. No matter how much money we spend. Think of the wise men and how much attention they must have paid to the star that led them to their destination - this is far more meaningful than the frankincense they brought. It really is the thought that counts...The best that life has to offer will never be found under a Christmas tree - Miss Jackson sings true - the best things in life are free."
Merry x'mas

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Look at this poster on s/w dev..Reminds you of the the age old swing in the tree example-aint it?
The funny thing is that the whole concept of "never getting it quite right" remains.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


A lil Calvin a day!
Yep, its been a few months and nothing in the blog zone...well promises are to be kept..but who would want to write just for the heck of it.
And yes,this was also the process of finding out what better was going on in life.
Connecting with an ex-colleague would be the highlight, She and I lost touch sometime in the beginning of 2011 and the lazy me wasnt able to catch up with her inspite of her numerous invites.
So then,when I sensed the disappointment in her voice..I made sure we meet up...and was great getting back in touch.
We spent almost a whole day chatting away to glory,and at times brings in a realisation of how refreshing those catch up's are..!

Just as I am jotting this down,victory speech of Obama is going on in the background.Such an inspiration,and makes me believe that "the best is yet to come".

Monday, September 3, 2012

Never say never-done

So,as promised a little more prompt on the blog posts, mind you the promise was to myself -the sole reader/writer of this no man's paradise.
A friend of mine completed 1000 days of blogging, She apparently blogged all the 1000 days before she turned 30.She was capturing the best of each day,Fantastic isnt it?
Such inspirational lives around me forces me to punch in something a lil more than better in this life'o mine!

So have been trying to figure out what better was going on other than home-office and office-home traversals.A fresco on canvas is one of the best things that happened in the past 2 months.
Have always had this love for sketching,but was always making portraits and doing them in black and white.Somehow couldnt think there was anything better than the contrast of white canvas and deep black pencils.
A mural painting made by a friend changed my perception,the texture of colors and the shades were brilliant. Having never been great with chroma,but tried to paint the canvas in red, well not literally-
tried my first color painting inspired by fresco.And yes..finished it off and though the painting doesnt make me proud in anyway,it still is a great feeling to attempt the never-tried.

Have grown up thinking that one shouldnt try anything if you can do it only mediocre. But this very mediocre painting really did bring a smile.And so have decided to give the brush a stroke- a stroke in style.

So till we meet again,

Keep trying the never-done's!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The joy of writing!

Yep, its me after ages, my dear no-readership blog thanks for being around and letting me quench the thirst to write.
I lost my spaces blog, and when I realised that it crushed me to pieces. Now, there were around 50 odd posts-all lil nuggets from life'o mine- lost,I hadnt even maintained a back up.So all the creative outpourings are sucked by the bits and bytes.
But the love for writing hardly dies, and so even though I dont have anything specific to punch in..I thought of giving a lil life to the silent blog,So am back - may not come back with stuff as described in the first post,but will keep coming a lil more frequent.